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  • Why You Should Switch to a Holistic Dentist A holistic dentist treats the whole body, not just the mouth. If you follow the Dentistry for Health Blog, you will know that your mouth is the gateway to your body. If your mouth is unhealthy, so are you. Although a holistic
  • Silver Amalgam Fillings are Dangerous Silver amalgam fillings are dangerous. While holistic dentists have known for decades that old amalgam restorations are 50 percent mercury, which is highly toxic others don’t agree. Why Silver Amalgam Fillings are Dangerous Toxic metals are absorbed and released as vapor throughout your body every time you
  • Habits to Keep Your Mouth Healthy How well you take care of your teeth and gums really can make you healthier. Establishing good oral health habits early on can help prevent dental problems later in life, such as cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss. Here are some tips to keep
  • Safe Silver Amalgam Removal with a Holistic Dentist Some dentists claim to safely remove silver amalgam fillings. However, not all dentists are equipped to handle the issues that go along with silver amalgam removal. As a New York holistic dentist, Dr. Reid Winick recommends silver amalgam removal. While you may
  • Is Vaping Safer than Smoking? What You May Not Know Vaping is supposed to be safer than tobacco; however, this new fad hasn’t been around long enough for studies to be conclusive. Everyone knows how dangerous tobacco is for overall health, but what about e-cigarettes? Millions of people have quit
  • CeraRoot® Zirconia Implants for Successful Placement CeraRoot® zirconia are not like the others. You may think that all dental implants are created equal, but Dr. Reid Winick from Dentistry for Health NY knows better. As a holistic dentist in New York, Dr. Reid explains that dental implant posts or screws