Routine Dental Checkups Can Help Overall Health

Routine Dental Checkups Can Help Overall Health

Routine Dental Checkups Can Help Overall Health

Routine dental checkups not only decrease the risk of gum disease and tooth decay, but can also help your dentist diagnose more life-threatening medical problems such as oral cancer, diabetes, and eating disorders.

Oral Cancer

One of the most common cancers on the planet, oral cancer can be treated if caught in the early stages. With more than 35,000 cases reported each year in the US, indicators could include lumps, hard spots, thick spots, bleeding sores. If you have a sore in your mouth that will not heal, it’s time to schedule an appointment with Dentistry for Health NY.

Because oral cancer can be difficult to diagnose yourself, routine dental checkups are imperative. Your dentist will look for irregular tissue changes, feel for lumps, and look for any irregularities in your cheeks, neck, head, tongue, and your oral cavity.


Over 30 million people in America have been diagnosed with diabetes and because the disease reduces your ability to fight off infection, your gums will pay the price. Bacteria and plaque cause gingivitis and the more serious periodontal disease. In addition, people with diabetes also have chronic halitosis and oral infections. People who suffer from diabetes should schedule routine dental checkups more often.

Eating Disorders

Bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa, both eating disorders, will rob your body of essential vitamins and minerals. Without proper nutrition, your gums will become tender, soft and bleed easily. People who suffer from eating disorders will notice a change in the color of their gums as well.

Excessive vomiting will cause tooth erosion and discoloration thanks to stomach acids. People with bulimia and anorexia may also experience tooth enamel loss, sensitive teeth, and swollen salivary glands.

Your holistic dentist understands that disease will negatively affect your overall health, however with routine dental checkups any oral health changes can be detected during your dental exam.

Routine dental checkups are essential for overall health and if you can’t remember the last time you saw your dentist, schedule an appointment with Dentistry for Health NY today. Your body will thank you for it.

Call or click for a dental checkup today.

Plaque and Tartar Can Cause Tooth Loss

Plaque and Tartar Can Cause Tooth Loss

Plaque and Tartar Can Cause Tooth Loss

Plaque and tartar can be controlled with brushing, flossing, a healthy diet and regular checkups with Dentistry for Health NY, however if you are less than diligent with your oral hygiene habits you could be asking for trouble.

Plaque and tartar cover the surface of your teeth and gums. If you do not brush and floss, you will eventually have gaps between your gums and teeth. This will lead to gum inflammation, tooth decay and tooth loss. If left untreated gum disease can also cause systemic issues.

Researchers are now discovering what holistic dentists have known all along, that inflammation and bacteria in the mouth affects your overall health and could be linked to congestive heart failure, stroke, and even dementia.

What is Plaque?

Plaque is constantly forming on your teeth, even at night when you sleep. When you drink or eat foods that contain starches and sugars the bacteria starts to attack the enamel on your teeth as it releases acids. Over time, that sticky plaque will begin to break down the enamel on your teeth, which will lead to dental caries.

Plaque buildup can also cause gum disease. Gingivitis will make your gums swollen and tender, but if left untreated can lead to periodontal disease. If severe gum disease isn’t taken care of your gum tissue will pull away from your teeth destroying the supporting bone. If this occurs, you may lose your teeth.

What is Tartar?

Called calculus, tartar forms above and below your gum line. Because it is porous and rough, it will cause gum recession, gum disease, and eventual tooth loss.

Tartar will make it difficult to brush and floss as you should, which will cause tooth decay. If tartar forms above the gum line, it can damage your gums, which could lead to periodontal disease.

If you have problems controlling plaque and tartar, call or click and schedule an appointment with Dentistry for Health NY.