Tooth Squeeze is it Affecting You When You Change Altitude?

Tooth Squeeze: Is It Affecting You When You Change Altitude?

If you have never heard of Tooth Squeeze, you are not alone.

Most people have no idea that altitude can affect your teeth just like your ears.

When your ears pop after moving to higher ground or diving into the depths of the sea, your teeth could be expanding and popping as well causing Tooth Squeeze.


What is Tooth Squeeze?

Tooth Squeeze occurs when gases expand and extract. This occurs to match pressure levels. Because all air is gas, any air pockets inside of your teeth will contract or expand.

These changes do occur under normal circumstances, but are too small to notice. However, under water, on an airplane or climbing the highest mountaintop will intensify the effects on your teeth.

Also referred to as barodontalgia, it is most common in mountain climbers, pilots, and scuba divers. However, Tooth Squeeze can affect anyone who likes to experience extreme environments.


Why Is Air in My Teeth?

People with healthy teeth are less likely to suffer from Tooth Squeeze. Barodontalgia is more likely to occur if you have tiny leaks around dental crowns or dental fillings. Leaky dental restorations allow air to enter into the tooth. Just another reason to call us for safe silver amalgam filling removal.

More importantly, if you experience barodontalgia, know that it can indicate underlying dental issues that need to be addressed, such as cavities, defective fillings, or root infections.


Who is at Risk for Tooth Squeeze?

People who experience atmospheric pressure changes on a regular basis are more likely to be affected by barodontalgia.

Some of these people include:

  • Scuba Divers
  • Air Crew
  • Pilots
  • Submariners
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Airline Passengers

You are less likely to have problems with your teeth if they are intact and healthy. If you have old leaky dental restorations, broken, cracked, or chipped teeth, you have a much higher risk of being affected by barodontalgia.


What Does Tooth Squeeze Do?

The effects of Tooth Squeeze can vary from person to person but include:

  • Tooth Pain
  • Root Infection
  • Inflamed Tooth Pulp
  • Bleeding Gums
  • Broken Teeth
  • Dental Cysts
  • Dental Restorations Becoming Dislodged

What you Can Do About Tooth Squeeze

We recommend regular dental exams. Dentistry for Health NY will thoroughly examine your teeth checking for any leakage, which could cause barodontalgia. Dr. Winick will also discuss safe removal and replacement of your silver amalgam fillings, crowns and other restorations.

We cannot stress the importance of good oral hygiene. Brush twice and use water irrigation once each day to keep plaque and tartar under control to avoid Tooth Squeeze. Enjoy a healthy diet full of fruits, veggies and calcium (especially raw cheese). Be sure to use an antibacterial mouth rinse daily.

If you have had oral surgery, wait at least 24 hours before you scuba dive, fly, climb a mountain or drive. To be safe, make sure to ask your dentist when you can travel again.

If you would like more information regarding Tooth Squeeze, schedule an appointment with Dentistry for Health NY.


Why You Should Switch to a Holistic Dentist

Why You Should Switch to a Holistic Dentist

Why You Should Switch to a Holistic Dentist
A holistic dentist treats the whole body, not just the mouth. If you follow the Dentistry for Health Blog, you will know that your mouth is the gateway to your body. If your mouth is unhealthy, so are you. Although a holistic dentist will perform the same procedures as your conventional dentist, such as filing cavities and cleaning teeth, Dentistry for Health considers how each procedure will affect your body. Your lifestyle, diet, emotional and mental health will also be taken into consideration.

No Harmful Chemicals

Harmful chemicals are eliminated to avoid any unnecessary complications. Dentistry for Health NY practices Mercury Free dentistry using biocompatible materials for dental restorations such as dental crowns and fillings.

No Fluoride

Although the American Dental Association still believes fluoride is safe, holistic dentists will not use it. Fluoride can cause harmful effects on the mouth and the body. Dentistry for Health uses herbal remedies and other natural products instead of fluoride whenever possible.

Natural Pain Remedies

As far as pain is concerned, your holistic dentist will offer a variety of natural methods to deal with the pain instead of automatically prescribing pain medication. This decreases toxic exposure to chemicals that are not biocompatible with your body.

Diet and Oral Health

A holistic dentist will help you learn what you should and shouldn’t eat as diet plays a huge role in your overall oral health. Enjoying a diet that is high in super nutrients and antioxidants can help your body heal.

Increased Overall Health

Dentistry for Health believes that natural and holistic techniques have tremendous benefits for more than your mouth. Not only will you have a beautiful and healthy smile, but you will also be maintaining or even increasing your overall health.

If you would like more information regarding holistic dentistry, call or click and schedule an appointment with Dentistry for Health. You won’t believe the difference it will make.

Silver Amalgam Fillings are Dangerous

Silver Amalgam Fillings are Dangerous

Silver Amalgam Fillings are Dangerous

Silver amalgam fillings are dangerous. While holistic dentists have known for decades that old amalgam restorations are 50 percent mercury, which is highly toxic others don’t agree.

Why Silver Amalgam Fillings are Dangerous

Toxic metals are absorbed and released as vapor throughout your body every time you chew, brush, and floss your teeth. Although mercury is meant to stay put in the dental restoration, it does not allowing mercury to spread throughout your body.

Why Does Mercury Pose a Threat?

Symptoms and behavioral changes can occur. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Mood Swings
  • Lethargy
  • Muscle Pain
  • Digestive Problems
  • Headaches
  • Kidney Problems

Systemic issues that can occur include:

  • Nervous System Disorders
  • Feeling Faint
  • Low Blood Sugar
  • Pins and Needles
  • Lack of Coordination
  • Numbness
  • Tremors
  • Mercury and Chronic Illness

Water, air, and food pollution is rampant. Today, bodies are more stressed than ever with people dealing with chronic illness because of the silver amalgam used in dental restorations. As a result, your chronic illness could be a direct result of your dental restorations.

How Metals Affect the Body

Metals transfer electrons. This means electrical currents run through them. Some metals are not as toxic as others are when it comes to interacting with body tissues. Metals change the body’s chemistry and how cells function.

Because the body is a natural healing vessel, it will continually repair and heal itself. However, if attack or damage is constant, your cells will not be able to keep up. As a result, the cells will wear out causing fatigue. This will most certainly lead to cell disease.

Safety First for Amalgam Removal NY

Removing your silver amalgam fillings must be done in a safe environment. Dentistry for Health NY will safely remove your old dental restorations to make way for new biocompatible fillings and crowns.

If you would like more information regarding amalgam filling removal, call or click and schedule an appointment with Dentistry for Health NY today.

Habits to Keep Your Mouth Healthy

Habits to Keep Your Mouth Healthy

Habits to Keep Your Mouth Healthy

How well you take care of your teeth and gums really can make you healthier.

Establishing good oral health habits early on can help prevent dental problems later in life, such as cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss.

Here are some tips to keep your mouth healthy:

Brushing Teeth and Gums

How often you brush is important. Brush at least twice a day.

We recommend that you brush at a 45-degree angle. This assures you are getting in the nooks and crannies.

Dr. Winick recommends brushing for at least two minutes. If you have a tough time keeping track, use a timer.

Make sure that you use a soft bristle toothbrush and replace it every two or three months or as soon as the bristles begin to fray.

Oral Irrigation

While brushing twice a day will remove dental plaque and bacteria, there is more needed to keep your whole mouth healthy.

Oral irrigation is especially beneficial for:

  • The health of your gums
  • Cleaning around crowns and under bridge work
  • Maintaining implants
  • Orthodontics

We recommend that you follow brushing with irrigation in the morning and evening using the HydroFloss® system.

HydroFloss® is an innovative oral irrigation system that has helped many patients improve their oral health. To learn more or order, click here. When ordering, use our special CODE for savings: 14031

Watch What You Eat (and When!)

Oral health and diet go hand in hand. A healthy diet rich in tooth-friendly fruits and vegetables will help keep your mouth healthy. Fibrous foods can help ‘scrub’ your teeth clean and keep your gums healthy.

Limit sugary or acidic foods and drinks that can erode enamel over time. Although dried apricots and prunes may seem like a better snack than a chocolate bar, both have just about the same amount of sugar.

Avoid snacking between meals. Not eating between meals helps maintain a healthy pH balance in the mouth and reduces the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems.

When we eat or drink anything, the bacteria present in our mouths feed on it and produce acid that can wear away the enamel of our teeth. Frequent snacking throughout the day means more exposure to acid attacks leading to tooth decay.

Skipping snacks between meals gives saliva enough time to naturally neutralize the acid produced by bacteria thus minimizing damage.

Get Regular Dental Checkups

When it comes to healthy teeth and gums, oral hygiene is at the top of the list. Regular dental checkups also play a major role in maintaining your oral health.

We are happy to share additional information about oral irrigation, tips for good oral hygiene, and more. Contact us today to tell us how we can be of service to you.

Safe Silver Amalgam Removal with a Holistic Dentist

Safe Silver Amalgam Removal with a Holistic Dentist

Safe Silver Amalgam Removal with a Holistic Dentist

Some dentists claim to safely remove silver amalgam fillings. However, not all dentists are equipped to handle the issues that go along with silver amalgam removal.

As a New York holistic dentist, Dr. Reid Winick recommends silver amalgam removal. While you may think your silver fillings are hideous, there are health issues to consider as well.

Why Should I Bother with Silver Amalgam Removal?

Although the ADA, American Dental Association deems amalgam safe for teeth and the body, the Food and Drug Administration, or the FDA, recently released a warning to consumers stating that, “Dental amalgams contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems.” Holistic dentists have always known this to be the case.

Dr. Winick explains that silver amalgam fillings contain mercury, which is toxic to the body. Care and safety must be taken when removing silver amalgam fillings. If your dentist is still placing silver fillings and believes they are safe, why would he or she take special precautions to remove them?

Safe Silver Amalgam Removal New York

According to Dentistry for Health New York most dentists don’t know how to remove silver amalgam fillings safely. During removal, toxic vapor is released. Mercury air filters along with other precautions such as special suction equipment, rubber dams, and negative ion generators are used continuously during silver amalgam filling removal.

Why Dentistry for Health NY?

Dentistry for Health NY, the mercury free dentistry pioneers; provide patients with the safest silver amalgam removal in New York.

After removal you can be assured that your new crowns, fillings and other dental restorations will be made with biocompatible materials.

If you would like more information regarding mercury free dentistry and safe silver amalgam removal, call or click and schedule an appointment with your New York Holistic Dentist, Dentistry for Health NY.

Is Vaping Safer than Smoking? What You May Not Know

Is Vaping Safer than Smoking? What You May Not Know

Safe Silver Amalgam Removal with a Holistic Dentist

Vaping is supposed to be safer than tobacco; however, this new fad hasn’t been around long enough for studies to be conclusive.

Everyone knows how dangerous tobacco is for overall health, but what about e-cigarettes?

Millions of people have quit smoking switching from one habit to another. Former smokers feverishly toke on the pen the same way they did with a cigarette. However, the nicotine in those e-cigarettes could have negative health effects.

Nicotine is Addictive

Chronic exposure to nicotine can lead to type 2 diabetes. Inhaling nicotine can also increase your blood pressure and heart rate. Nicotine is addictive and can lead to brain alternations putting you in the high-risk category for other addictions, especially in younger people. Nicotine can also impair brain development, which can lead to poor impulse control and ADD. These figures are troublesome especially with the popularity of E-cigarettes among teens in the United States.

Could be a Household Hazard

E-liquids could be a problem for your household as the majority of those liquids have fruit or candy flavoring. Add the colorful packaging to the mix and they become attractive to your kids. Accidental ingestion has risen by more than 1,500 percent over the last three years. Most e-cigarettes also contain diacetyl. This chemical compound has been associated with bronchiolitis obliterans. This rare lung disease will cause permanent damage.

The Glycerol and propylene glycol are not known to be dangerous when used on their own. However, when heated, they could be transformed into formaldehyde. This is becoming more common with the use of high wattage vaporizers.

Vaping and Teeth and Gums

Although vaping doesn’t stain your teeth like tobacco does, it can cause problems for your teeth and gums. Gum disease is a real issue if you vape. E-cigarettes will cause gum recession as the nicotine will cause your blood vessels to restrict. This will decrease the flow of blood to your gums causing them to pull away from the roots of your teeth. Vaping also masks the signs of gingivitis or the more serious periodontal disease.

If you are vaping it is imperative that you schedule regular appointments with your Holistic Dentist in New York. Dentistry for Health NY will examine your teeth and gums for signs of tooth decay and gum disease.

E-cigarettes can hide periodontitis, call or click for a dental checkup today.